New Local King – Xamai is joining LinkedWorld

LinkedWorld, the leading alliance of SAP partners for Small and Medium Sized businesses contines to grow. With the addition of Xamai we are adding to our footprint in Latin America and continue to grow the coverage for our clients.

“Xamai comes with high recommendations from existing LinkedWorld members and SAP. Being a leading partner from Mexico for many years we continue to work on our promise to build a network having Global Reach with Local Kings”, says Wolfgang Wanninger, CEO of LinkedWorld.

As with other members of LinkedWorld, Xamai’s competencies go beyond SAP products and also include deep industry knowledge and software solutions.

“By being a part of a Linked-World, Xamai can offer its services to a wider range of clients, including that are arriving to México. This can help you to grow your business and reach new markets.
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, which is one of the biggest markets in the world. And Mexico is receiving many companies that wants to take advantage of this trade agreement. Xamai can give access to the latest SAP technologies and solutions, which can help you to improve your services and provide our clients with the best possible experience.”
Gerardo Lee, CEO Xamai

Find out more about Xamai at their LinkedWorld member page here